Bakers are needed to make their favorite sweets and bring them to Archangel Hall at St. Michael Church or the Social Hall at Queen of the Rosary Church all the Fish Fry Days of Lent. Thank you for sharing your talents! Fish Fry is now accepting donations of cases of soda pop and bottled water. Please leave donations in the Gathering Space of each church, marked Fish Fry. Thank you for your generosity!
A Great Big Thank You goes out to all who participated in the Fish Frys at both Queen of the Rosary and St. Michael. Thank you to all the patrons, bakers, all who donated supplies, and all the volunteers, who so lovingly gave of their time, talent, and treasure. Without your help and support we couldn’t do it. See you next year at the Fish Fry
Bakers needed to make their favorite sweets (the delicious sweets the Fish Fry is known for), and bring them to Archangel Hall or the Social Hall all the Fish Fry Days of Lent. Thank you for baking! Thank You for making our Fish Fry Special! Hope to see you there!